martes, 23 de marzo de 2010

Photo of the Day (03.20.10) 23:30 20/03/2010, Mike Barish, food, food porn, foodporn, photo of the day, photooftheday, Pizza Hut, Pizzahut, salad, sal

Photo of the Day (03.20.10) 23:30 20/03/2010, Mike Barish, food, food porn, foodporn, photo of the day, photooftheday, Pizza Hut, Pizzahut, salad, salad bar, salad tower, saladbar , saladtower, supercar
Filed under: Asia, China, Picture of the Day

This photo from Flickr user jwannie is entitled "How to build a tower of salad." The bright orange and yellow caught my eye when I saw his fist on the thumbnail and that's why I clicked on the image. As for what a tower of salad and why it is so funny, I refer to the blog post accompanying frites

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