martes, 23 de marzo de 2010

Now on TV Squad00: 31 21/03/2010, Matt Bradshaw, Cinematical

Now on TV Squad00: 31 21/03/2010, Matt Bradshaw, Cinematical
Our brothers and sisters at TV Squad have arrested over the TV and brought with them the following juicy bits that have to see Open your eyes.
Although there has been no official offer yet, Barry Manilow has expressed interest in appearing in joy and allows the presentation to use their songs.
Star Trek nerd-dom has reached an all time high ... or downwards depending on your perspective. A microscopic replica of Company D has been built in one billionth (pinky on the lower lip, Dr. Evil fans) on a large scale.
Check out this video from ABC, which covers things vile Ben Linus on Lost has made everything ready for the song "Ben", that is Michael Jackson's ode to a rat.
While everyone seems to be wondering if Fox will end in Conan O'Brien, two companies have approached the former Tonight Show host to do a syndicated show.
Good news for Amy Poehler and Will Arnett her husband: their second child on the way, but it seems the character in Parks and Recreation Poehler will not be the same.
... and talking about babies, Wonder Years star (and recent guest star Big Bang Theory) Danica McKellar is expecting her first child.

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